I Am The Living Bread (John 6:51)
2014-02-05 , 조회 (3865) , 추천 (0) , 스크랩 (2)


I am the living bread, 
which came down out of heaven;

If anyone,
 if anyone eats of this bread 
he shall live forever; 

And the bread, 
Which I will, 
Will give is my flesh, 

Given for , 
For the life , 
Life of the world.

I am the living bread, 
which came down out of heaven; 
If anyone,
 if anyone eats of this bread
he shall live forever.

I Am The Living Bread (John 6:51)

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추천 스크랩 전체목록

I am the living bread, 아멘!
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