2009-04-05 , 추천수 0 , 스크랩수 0 , 조회수 275


Thou Breath from still eternity


1. Thou Breath from still eternity
Breathe o'er my spirit's barren land-
The pine tree and the myrtle tree
Shall spring amid the desert sand;
And where Thy living water flows
The waste shall blossom as the rose.


2. May I in will and deed and word 
Obey Thee as a little child;
And keep me in Thy love, my Lord,
For ever holy, undefiled;
Within me teach, and strive, and pray,
Lest I should choose my own wild way.


3. Thy Spirit, Stream by Thee, the Son,
Is opened to us crystal pure,
Forth flowing from the heavenly throne
To waiting hearts and spirits poor;
Athirst and weary do I sink
Beside Thy waters, there to drink.


4. My spirit turns to Thee and clings,
All else forsaking, unto Thee;
Forgetting all created things,
Remembering only "God in me."
Thy living Stream, Thy gracious Rain,
None wait for these, and wait in vain.
                                                             <English Hymnal No 252>

                                           출처 : UCLA 2006 <Lord, I just love You>

트랙백:  수신불가

Date 2009-04-05 22:59:28  
너무 좋네요 이런 찬송 너무 오랜만에 듣습니다. 오클라호마에서의 생활과 봉사와 목양과 가정들등등도 듣고싶네요..^^..이런 달콤하고 누림이 되는 찬송 올려주어서 감사...^^