The Living vine(new)
2011-10-13 , 조회 (425) , 추천 (0) , 스크랩 (0)

The Living vine, a reality

Of God and man, one organically


The Living vine, a reality

Of God and man, one organically

Mutual abode, organism sweet.

Expression full, mingling complete.


When we abide, there's a flow within.

As branches we - - are expressing Him.

Our God needs us, we depend on Him.

To bear much fruit, to bring others in.


Counter Melody:


Father, Cultivator---Husbandman, the source is He

Soil, sunshine and the air---nutrients complete.

Son, the living vine is---the embodiment of God.

And the Sprit makes Him real---as the life juice sweet!


                                                                                                                       출처  :   Truth School 2006 

                                                                                                                                      Oklahoma City

                                                                                                                                     The Triune God

                                                                                                                   트랙 2 <the <br="" living="" />vine="" />

                                                                              찬양의 회복에서

                                                                                                  by 찬송이 좋아요



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