The Seed of Truth in Genesis 1
Good Morning
2013-04-15 , 조회 (749) , 추천 (0) , 스크랩 (0)
창세기 1:26 

하나님이 가라사대 우리의 형상을 따라 우리의 모양대로 우리가 
사람을 만들고 그로 바다의 고기와 공중의 새와 육축과 온 땅과 땅에 기는
모든 것을 다스리게 하자 하시고
And God said, Let us
make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have 
dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over the
cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon
the earth. 

Amen Amen~ ~ Hallelujah!!

God's building is the mingling of God with man, the corporate expression
of Triune God, and the enlargement of God; the building of God is the Triune
God as life being wrought into us so that we may become His corporate expression, 
the enlargement and
 expansion of God. 

amen Amen! Hallelujah~ ~~ 

From: Christ as the Stone 
with the Seven Eyes of Jehovah 
for God's Building -- Crytallization -Study of Dan. & Zech.
Lords recovery, GENESIS, 창세기

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